Volunteers week 1-7 June 2021. A time to say Thanks...Oasis Care Support Services AdminJun 3, 2021Updated: Apr 10, 2022A big thank you to all of our volunteers who are always willing to help deliver hot meals to our elderly homes! If you know of any elders in Kirklees who would benefit from our Support Service, please contact us. #providingserviceswithyouinmind #volunteers #olderpeople #ocss #oasiscaresupportservices #elderlypeople #volunteersweek #volunteers #teamwork #workingtogether #hardworker #caring #caringforothers
A big thank you to all of our volunteers who are always willing to help deliver hot meals to our elderly homes! If you know of any elders in Kirklees who would benefit from our Support Service, please contact us. #providingserviceswithyouinmind #volunteers #olderpeople #ocss #oasiscaresupportservices #elderlypeople #volunteersweek #volunteers #teamwork #workingtogether #hardworker #caring #caringforothers